Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Unmasking the Tea Party

Protestors at the Philadelphia Tea Party on Ap...Image via Wikipedia
Following an in depth expose in the New Yorker magazine of the funding behind America's Tea Party movement - a supposedly grass roots political movement which receives vast amounts of financial support from organisations controlled and funded by billionaires David and Charles H. Koch - a new film has been released that further reveals that the Party is not "grass roots" but "astro turf". That is to say, it is an artificial grass roots movement.

The film can be viewed here and is previewed below.

Interested to note that the story of the Koch brother's backing to the Tea Party, which is committed to wrecking Obama's domestic agenda, is also now receiving coverage in the British press - as evidenced by this article by George Monbiot in today's Guardian.

(Astro) Turf Wars trailer from (astro)turf wars on Vimeo.

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