Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cyber attack 'targeted Iran' - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

A political and geographical map showing count...Image via Wikipedia
Cyber attack 'targeted Iran' - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

I don't recall reading this story in the western press, but Kaspersky Labs, no less (who provide the security systems for Barclays Bank customers) have described the recent Stuxnet trojan (which has infected machines around the world, but particularly in Iran) as "a working and fearsome prototype of a cyber-weapon....Stuxnet manifests the beginning of the new age of cyber-warfare."

The company's official news site goes on to say, "We believe this type of attack could only be conducted with nation-state support and backing."

"It's pretty clear that based on the infection behaviour that installations in Iran are being targeted," says Kevin Hogan, the senior director of Security Response at Symantec, according to Reuters.

So, a cyber attack against Iranian energy installations. Conducted with nation-state backing.

Who could be behind that, I wonder?

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Protoprotestant said...

It seems so obvious, but believe me in the United States....not very many people can put two and two together.

I'm not a fan of the Tehran regime, but Americans are just clueless as to the relationship the Anglo-Americans have had with Persia throughout the 20th century.

1979 would have never happened if it hadn't been for this. I don't know how it is in the UK, but in the US, they don't make the connections.

Glad to see others are looking at Al Jazeera English. I listen to the BBC all the time at work...but my preferred major news outlet is hands down....AJE. They're do a phenomenal job.

In the United States you simply cannot get that caliber and volume of international news.

Thanks for the post. There was some good additional info.

Al Shaw said...

Thanks for your comment.

My father, an American now resident in the UK, has always commented on the difficulties in getting good coverage of international news in the US.

Thank goodness for the Internet!

I posted an item two years ago about cyber attacks against Iran back then. Scarry stuff.